Accessories for medium voltage cables
A wide range of cable accessories
Our medium-voltage customers value our extensive range of accessories. Diverse electrical and mechanical requirements are addressed through advanced designs and the meticulous selection of premium materials.
Find the perfect accessories for your needs—clearly categorized by conductor cross-sections and voltage ranges.
Innovations in Medium-Voltage
Since their market introduction in the 1980s, metal-enclosed, SF6-insulated medium-voltage systems have steadily gained importance due to their numerous advantages. The compact design of this technology reduced pole center distances, making the use of conventional open-connection terminations impractical. Moreover, key benefits such as touch safety, environmental independence, and maintenance-free operation could no longer be ensured with traditional terminations. This necessitated the development of a new generation: encapsulated cable terminations.
Unlike conventional terminations, the interface to the switchgear in encapsulated cable connections requires precise definition. This interface consists of conical bushings (device connection components), whose designs are governed by European standards DIN EN 50180 (“Bushings above 1 kV to 36 kV and from 250 A to 3150 A for liquid-filled transformers”) and DIN EN 50181 (“Pluggable bushings above 1 kV to 36 kV and from 250 A to 1.25 kA for systems other than liquid-filled transformers”).
Today, two systems are established in the medium-voltage sector: external cone and internal cone connections, each serving different applications.