Customer satisfaction – 3rd part

Your opinion makes the difference!

Together we improve your experience

Kundenzufriedenheit 3 (englisch)
How would you rate the following quality features of our business performance:

1: very satisfied

2: satisfied

3: sufficient

4: could be better

5: dissatisfied

How satisfied were you with the realisation of the following order priorities?:

1: very satisfied

2: satisfied

3: sufficient

4: could be better

5: dissatisfied

Will you recommend our company, our products and services to other companies?
How satisfied were you with the final processing/handling of the project?
How satisfied are you overall with the project result?


Finally, we would ask you to issue and send us a letter of reference for the above-mentioned project. If required, you can obtain a template for this from the responsible project manager at Südkabel GmbH.